Though not commonly used today, some flowers still are known for their symbolism. Red roses are typically used to convey a passionate love while yellow roses are for friendship. I can remember the first time I received roses from a boyfriend, hoping they would be red and not yellow. Doubt he knew the difference :)
The next time you create a bouquet, think about creating a hidden message. Here are some common meanings of flowers:
Anemone = unfading love
Bells of Ireland = luck
Campanula = gratitude
Daffodil = uncertainty
Dahlia = elegance
Daisy = innocence
Honeysuckle = devoted affection
Hydrangea = frigidness
Ivy = dependence
Lavender = devotion
Lilac (purple) = first emotion of love
Lily (white) = purity
Lily of the Valley = trustworthy
Mallow = consumed by love
Mint = suspicion
Orchid = refined beauty
Peony = bashfulness
Rose (red) = passionate love
Rose (white) = eternal love
Rose (red & white) = united
Rosemary = remembrance
Sunflower = pure thoughts
Thyme = thriftiness
Wheat = wealth and prosperity